Thursday 12 April 2012

Boycotting Montgomery

In Moh-beel we embarked on our first foray into the suburban and incredibly cheap chain motel with the surprisingly extremely good Windgate by Wyndym and following another delightful sleep on an american king bed we utilised the motel's fine location in the middle of a mall and made for some shopping. Our jetlag facilitated a civilised recconaissance tour of the mall pre-opening which meant when the shutters came up we were ready to launch; Fran and Dyl into JC Penny, FootAction, Finish Line etc, us into The Limited (a favourite of mine for their special combination of name and mission statement - something about dressing a gal for the career of her dreams yet... well.. that name??) and Forever 21, only slightly deterred by their decision to brand as XXI down here in the south - I tell you that can  be confusing given the array of other stores perhaps targeted at that as a size rather than age...

And then it was back to downtown Moh-beel for a wander through the delightful architecture and some attempted The Band Perry spotting (sadly unsuccessful).

Since Nawlins, food has not, unfortunately, managed to be the highpoint of our days. But the one thing to be said for the Gulf Coast is it` knows how to produce a delicious oyster, and the restaurants seem to know that natural (or raw as they prefer it) should be an option. And so it was that we started our recent run of successful dining experience at the Oyster House

we  were so happy to see these we ordered three plates

Montgomery, as the title may imply, was not an overwhelmingly awesome state capital and we could see why it was accident rather than intention that led to the Freedom Riders ending up there.

not very inspiring
But we circled round and before making quickly for Birmingham we stopped by possibly the most famous bus stop in the world...

and before jumping into our dodge and leaving dust behind us, we made time for a photo op with the trojan the mascot of the no doubt prestigious Troy university.

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